Greetings APSEA Members – Welcome to the Navigating Leadership Homepage!
In 2014, the APSEA-USC Sol Price (Executive Education in Sacramento) partnership that facilitates the Navigating Leadership program began its third year of robust operation. Since its debut in 2012, participation in this program has experienced exponential acceleration leading to a pragmatic change management solution for California state government. Our top-down, bottom-up and across the middle approach model is redefining leadership and innovation as it impacts California’s state workforce.
A key focus of this program is the transitioning of employee (human) skill sets that must shift to function with integrity, proficiency, and accountability in a “real-time” digital world that is rapidly accelerating. Navigating Leadership’s systemic platform utilizes a holistic approach that supports empowering all levels of government in its service to society. One of the most extraordinary benefits resulting from the paradigm shift our technological world has created, is that it is opening up the opportunity to explore and live our own unlimited potential – what fun!. As we give this to ourselves, it becomes the best of who we are in our work – and in our world. We have provided a wealth of informational links on all the activities planned for this year.
From the perspective of who we are in Government, we are “the blueprint” the country will follow! We’re excited and hope you will be as well. We can’t wait to work with you, teach and learn together, and to explore the untold possibilities to create, give and receive in our digital society – exploring and finding the leader and innovator inside us all!
Rebekah Christensen, Chair – Navigating Leadership
APSEA-USC Partnership
APSEA Board of Directors
Our 2014 activities open with a new series of our Conversations in Leadership Workshops:
OVERVIEW: Navigating Leadership – Conversations in Leadership Workshops 2014: Redefining Leadership (April 29, June 24 and September 23, 2014) Each workshop is structured to have equal parts of both presentation and conversation. They will feature diverse perspectives of “Redefining Leadership,” including how to best lead from where we stand in the organization whether it be in the mail room or as agency secretary.Silence is the enemy of innovation. We will teach how to give voice to our unique insights and contributions, all of which are essential to grow and sustain integrity and peak performance in our real-time world. These workshops serve as training opportunities to expand understanding and insight for our Board of Advisors as they select the most inclusive integrative and innovative projects and programs to be featured in the November 13, 2014, Symposium.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 WORKSHOP – The Time is Now: Leadership, Innovation and the Unlimited You
Workshop Moderators: Rebekah Christensen, CEO, ORA Systems, and Paul Danczyk, Director of Executive Education, USC Price (Sacramento) – Chair and Co-Chair of Navigating Leadership
SPEAKER: Joe Xavier, Director, Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)
“Leadership is less about “seeking the light and more about being the light. True leaders lead
from the heart – having both the wisdom and the confidence to model what others fear.”
–Joe Xavier, Director, Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)
Our “backstories” comprise the framework of who we are in the world. Collaboratively, these experiences unite to cultivate and formulate our character, e.g, who we are and how we lead in the world. Building upon a foundational cornerstone in Navigating Leadership’s foundation, Joe Xavier will use his back story as a metaphor to reflect upon our own personal and professional growth and leadership. Through interactive discussion he will challenge us to question where we are in relationship to where we choose to be. This workshop is about asking ourselves the hard questions that will uproot the status quo in our lives, taking tangible action and stepping beyond what we think is possible. A comprehensive workshop description is provided in in the linked material. Eventbrite Registration for APSEA members is FREE, so JOIN TODAY and save! Non-members can register at a nominal rate. This night promises a truly interactive forum where the experience will spur insight that forges the connection between who you are and what you do.
Important Event Links:
- Save the Date (s) (Best viewable in Internet Explorer)
- 2014 Navigating Leadership Binder: Accessible Copy
- 2014 Event Brochure (Accessibility)
- Sponsorship Opportunities and Agency Department Training Packages
- APSEA Membership Application ( Fill-able form) (Best viewable in Internet Explorer)
Introducing Leadership Perspectives:
On an on-going basis, “stay-tuned” for Leadership Perspectives, as we introduce Navigating Leadership’s 2014 Secretaries and Directors Advisory Board
- Introducing Secretary Marybel Batjer, CalGovOps