Board of Directors | Contact Information | Background
Current Events | Past Events
Message from Adam See, President
I am honored and pleased to serve as your President of the Asian Pacific State employees Association – Central Valley Chapter for the 2014-2015 term. I would like to thank immediate past president Pete Cerrillo, Elsie Brooks, Toby Wong and Charles P. Lee for all the hard work they have done for the organization. Especially, I want to thank Dr. Charles P. Lee for his vision in seeing the evolution of the Central Valley Chapter back in 2001. He is the founding father of the organization. Please refer to “How it got started” article.
The Central Valley Chapter celebrated the 10th year anniversary on November 5, 2010. I want to take this opportunity to reflect what the chapter and the membership have done to the greater good for the communities in the Central Valley. This chapter has raised funds for scholarships and grants through auctions, bake sales, candy sales, and members contributions. One of the organization’s purposes is to make a difference in the lives of young people. For example, the chapter awarded a total of $5000 in scholarships and grants in 2003. Year after year during the holiday season, the chapter has continued to sponsor in toys drive, purchase shoes and coats for children in the communities who otherwise would go without.
The chapter had a very successful 2010:
- Membership increased from 38 to 102 members (gain of 64 new members). That is an impressive 168% increase during the year of 2010. We had a very successful membership drive.
- Sponsored the Leung’s White Crane Lion Dance team of San Francisco to perform lion dance on October 14, 2010 in conjunction with Central California Women’s Facility’s 20th anniversary where many members are employed at the facility. The cultural event was very well received.
- Celebrated 10th year anniversary of the Central Valley Chapter on November 5, 2010. The chapter’s founder and keynote speaker, Dr. Charles Lee gave an inspirational speech on the past, present, and the future of APSEA.
- Purchased $500 for toys at Costco and Office Depot’s teddy bears as part of the United Way Campaign Toys Drive for the children in Madera County, and provided financial support for 450 meals to the Fresno Rescue Mission. Thanks to the membership monthly dues, this chapter has been able to make a contribution to the communities in the spirit of the holidays.
On behalf of everyone at the Central Valley Chapter, we pledge to continue this tradition. In addition, expanding our membership strengthens our chapter and increases the opportunities for personal growth. Together we can make 2013 another successful year.
Board of Directors
President: Adam See
1st Vice President: Natalie Trevino
2nd Vice President: Fawn Seaman
Treasurer: Stacie Rhodes
Recording Secretary: Tanya Hall
Corresponding Secretary: Tanya Hall
Immediate Past President: Pete Cerrillo
Contact Information
Current Events
Past Events
- On 12/12/15, Central Valley Chapter purchased over 700 pounds of turkey, 1000 pounds of chicken and delivered them to the Poverello House in Fresno. Click on the following link to Facebook to view pictures:
media/set/?set=a. 1026424324066032.1073741854. 285391368169335&type=3 - 2014 Thank You Letter (Angels of Grace)
- 2013 Thank You Letter (Fresno First Step Home)
- 2013 Thank You Letter (Office of the Mayor, City of Fresno)
- 2012 Thank You Letters For Donations (Community Food Bank, Madera County Food Bank, Marine Toys for Tots Foundation)
- Thank you letter 11-17-2010 Lion Dance
- APSEA Central Valley Chapter Banner
- 2010 Toys Donation to the Children of Madera County via United Way Local Chapter
- Sponsored Cultural Event – Leung’s White Crane Lion Dance Team of San Francisco
- 10th Anniversary 10 Raffle Items
- Fresno Rescue Mission Thank You Letter 2010
- Statewide Membership Drive Winners: Central Valley Chapter Adam See, Brian Miura, and Paul Perez
- July 2010 Central Valley New Members
- Photos of turkey purchases (over 852 pounds) donated to Poverello House of Fresno and Madera Rescue Mission – November 21, 2009
- Thank you letter for donation to Madera Mission November 2009
- Thank you letter for donation to the Poverello House December 2009
- 2006 Holiday Mixer photos, December 7
- Thank you letter for donations from APSEA’s Central Valley Chapter in 2006.
- Thank you letters for donations from APSEA’s Central Valley Chapter in 2004.
- Scholarship Presentation photos from the Central Valley event, May 13, 2003.